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Roberto Echo

Unter dem Pseudonym Roberto Echo produziere ich samplebasierte Beats, mit Einflüssen aus Jazz, Funk, Psychedelic und Klassik. Meine Musik wird vertrieben von dem Kölner Musiklabel Melting Pot Music. Hier entstanden zwei digital veröffentlichte Alben die auf Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube und weiteren Musikplattformen gestreamt werden können.

Artist: Roberto Echo
Album: Jaimais Vu
Cat No: MPM 237

Roberto Echo is a young beatmaker who first caught our attention, when he played a warm-up beat set for Knowsum at the Roxy in Cologne earlier this year. Much to our surprise we learned that Roberto is actually from Cologne, has been making beats for a while but lives and works in Düsseldorf these days

The cities of Cologe and Düsseldorf cultivate a (rather playful) rivalry that dates back to the middle age and covers various parts of everyday life – from beer (in Cologne we drink „Kölsch“ in Düsseldorf it’s „Alt“) to Carnival (we say „Alaaf“, they shout „Helau“). But when it comes to music city limits don’t matter. Who wants to choose Can over Kraftwerk or vice versa just because one band was from Cologne and the other from Düsseldorf. So we embraced Roberto Echo with open arms and are happy to announce his debut EP „Jamais Vu“.

In psychology, „Jamais Vu“, a French borrowing meaning „never seen“, refers to the phenomenon of experiencing a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but nonetheless seems very unfamiliar. Often described as the opposite of „Déjà Vu“, „Jamais Vu“ involves a sense of eeriness and the observer’s impression of seeing the situation for the first time, despite rationally knowing that he or she has been in the situation before.
If you listen to the 11 track strong EP the title makes perfectly sense. Roberto’s music is rooted in classic sample-driven hip-hop. He pays hommage to jazz, soul funk and exotica while adding a sense of moodiness and suspense to his tracks. But when you listen to „Jamais Vu“ it all sounds brandnew new and never heard before …

PS: As we speak, Roberto Echo is back at the Casa de Echo working on his second EP, tentatively titled „Déjà Vu“.

The Tracks of „Jamais Vu“ is also featured in our KO-OP playlist on Spotify:

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Artist: Roberto Echo
Album: Déjà-vu
Cat No: MPM 242

Only three months after the release of his debut EP „Jamais Vu“, Roberto Echo is giving us „Déjà-vu“ – a selection of 11 brand new tracks, that make clear that this young beatmaker will leave his mark in 2018 for sure. Roberto’s music is rooted in classic sample-driven hip-hop with a distinctive modern twist. He pays hommage to jazz, soul funk and exotica while adding a sense of moodiness and suspense to his tracks.

In psychology, „Déjà-vu“, a French borrowing meaning „already seen“, refers to the phenomenon of having the feeling that the situation currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past. It is also described as the opposite of „Jamais Vu“.
Roberto Echo first caught our attention, when he played a warm-up beat set for Knowsum at the Roxy club in Cologne last year. Much to our surprise we learned that Roberto is actually from Cologne, has been making beats for a while but lives and works in Düsseldorf these days. In November 2017 we released „Jamais Vu“ which was the third KO-OP EP release following Smoke Trees and Juan Rios.

The Track “X-Rays” is also featured in our KO-OP Spotify playlist: